Derek "Fishman" Slater (in the circle of Mouseman) oak stool circa. 1960's


A very rare example of an early work produced by Derek 'Fishman' Slater (later known as Lizardman).

Constructed in adzed golden oak united with a peg jointed stretcher, the stool displays Slater's original trademark of a fish (used prior to his Lizardman lizard carving). Slater trained under the workshop of famous Yorkshire furniture maker Robert 'Mouseman' Thompson, making him a member of the "Yorkshire Critters" - an umbrella term used to describe the exclusive band of Kilburn based craftsmen who were fortunate enough to have learnt their trade through the Mouseman workshop. 

Being an early Fishman piece the stool dates from the 1960's.


Height - 40cm

Length - 45.5cm

Width - 27.5cm