Embroidered Apprentice Piece Wall Sampler Circa. 1832


A rare and unique apprentice piece embroidered wall sampler made in 1832 by a 9 year old Mary Ann Applebee. 

Some basic research suggests that Applebee was born in West Pennard, Somerset in around 1821 - the daughter of John Applebee and Sophia Herman. It would seem she passed away in 1893.


The subject of the sampler is unusual as it seems to revolve around death. It roughly reads as follows:

"Shrinking from the cold hand of death I too shall oather up my feet shall soon resign this fleeting breath and die my father's God to meet.

Titles may set a gloss upon our name but vartue only is the life of fame.

Mary Ann Applebee wrought this in the 9 year of her age 1832."